

IceSlideshow module marks another immense milestone at IceTheme. We can say without any single doubt that this module is one of the best ever built Joomla Extensions by our club and also on all the Joomla! market as well. But... why?!

The main goal that we had before building our IceSlideShow module was to create a module that was easy to set up. Is that all?

Of course not...

The IceSlideShow module features some special transition effects ready for you through the module parameters so that you can choose the effect that you like most. The most interesting effects are the Ken-Burn and Panning. Also, once you have enabled the Autoplay option your visitors will see a nice loading bar to show them when the next image will change.

Going back to the main goal, besides the traditional way of choosing the articles from a category, we have made it possible to choose the image, description and the link URL directly through the module paramters. This will save you time as all you have to do is work with the module parameters.

Moreover, the IceSlideShow module features the new CSS3 effects for the caption change, arrows display etc.

And most imporatant of all ... its FREE.

IceSlideshow Demo

On the below you can see an iceslideshow demo ,which uses the default theme and image data mode.

Unique Features

  • Choose where do you want to take the images from (content, files, modules ,etc).
  • Select the effects you want to add to the sliding (opacity, zooming, panning, wiping etc.).
  • Timeline displayed on each image.
  • Ability to load menu images into each menu item
  • Easy to change caption.

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Ispeed decrease the loading time of your website by compressing, optimizing, merging CSS and JavaScript on your website. With this powerful plugin your website will dramatically decrease the loading time as all CSS and JavaScriopt will be compressied and/or merged. Also you may go one step further and enable Gzip compression technology which can reduce even more the loading time. The other great part of the plugin is the ability to control at your hands the page cache and the browser cache with the parameters. Words are useless to describe how powerful this plugin can be on your website

Ispeed does not have any preview demo.
In order to see his benefits we invite you to have a look on the following screenshots or to inspect your website source code.


IceSpeed disabled



IceSpeed enabled



Here we have the results when we have compressed and merged the CSS (also we have enabled the GZIP compression technology through the parameter below) As you can see from the screenshot we have compressed CSS from 85.7 kb to just 14.9 kb. (more than 500%). But we have also merged the majority of the CSS files into a single one, which means fewer http requests, leading to an even faster website.
The same tests were done for the JavaScript files and with the GZIP technology

Unique Features

  • Optimize and/or Compress and/or Merge CSS and JavaSript files
  • Optimize HTML
  • Ability to exclude/include CSS and JavaScript files
  • Gzip compression technology option ready!
  • Ability to change the JavaScript files order (prevent conflicts)
  • Enable/Disable page cache
  • Enable/Disable browser default cache
  • Ability to clear on the fly the cache
  • You may enable/disable cache to single menu items also

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IceMegaMenu Module

When the time came and we had to move to the new Joomla 1.6 version, we at IceTheme wanted to give you a special gift, well in fact one of most used modules... a new menu module. But the powerful IceMegaMenu extension is not the next simple menu module that you may find anywhere. No I'm sorry you will not...

Based from our long experience with Joomla and listening as well to your suggestions we are proud to preset one of our most mighty Joomla extension that we have ever built until now. But what makes the IceMegaMenu extension so great?!

First on the extension package you will find the module zip and the plugin zip. The module part has all the necessary features ready at your fingertips to run the menu exactly the way you need to. You will find features like the ability to load different themes (you may have a dark website), dropdown effect like slide, fade or both, ability to load images inside the menu items, dropdown opacity, ability to disable JavaScript and much more.

On the plugin part came the interesting part. After lots of request from our valuable members, now you are able to split the dropdown into as many columns as you wish and exactly the way you need to. Also you may load any Joomla modules inside the dropdown directly by selecting the module name or the module position. Another interesting feature that may be very handy to you is the ability to put for each menu item the width for the dropdown and the width for each column of the dropdown, so as you can see you have total control over the way the module operates.

IceMega Menu demo

In order to have an idea about icemegamenu demo,we invite you to look have a look on the main menu extension on the top .

Unique Features

  • Chose your desired style based from your website colors from a list of pre-built module themes
  • Select the dropdown running effect from slide, fade or both
  • You may disable the JavaScript if you need just a simple and fast running menu with no conflicts whatsoever.
  • Ability to load menu images into each menu item
  • Split exactly the way your require the dropdown by having total control to the full dropdown width, to each column width and the number of menu items to display to each column.
  • Ability to load any Joomla Module to the dropdown by selecting either from the Module Name of from the Module Position.

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IcePanel is another simple yet very effective Joomla module that we are releasing for Free for our customers. It scope is simple. To display a list of Joomla modules that you normally want to hide them in the first place from the view, from site maps to non-so-important website information.

But the IcePanel module came in 2 instances. Beside the modules option described above, you can turn it into a Login module as well. Keeping the Login input boxes inside the panel and when your website visitor click on the toggle text it will display the login box.

Also, inside the module parameters you will find as well some other important options that will came to you very handy. For example you may change the panel position from top, which is the default one, to left or right. You may chose to fix the panel, mean that the panel will always be at the top when the page scrolls. However you are welcome to download the module and see on yourself all the great benefits that will do for your website.

IcePanel Demo

See at the top of the site.

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