IcePanel is another simple yet very effective Joomla module that we are releasing for Free for our customers. It scope is simple. To display a list of Joomla modules that you normally want to hide them in the first place from the view, from site maps to non-so-important website information.
But the IcePanel module came in 2 instances. Beside the modules option described above, you can turn it into a Login module as well. Keeping the Login input boxes inside the panel and when your website visitor click on the toggle text it will display the login box.
Also, inside the module parameters you will find as well some other important options that will came to you very handy. For example you may change the panel position from top, which is the default one, to left or right. You may chose to fix the panel, mean that the panel will always be at the top when the page scrolls. However you are welcome to download the module and see on yourself all the great benefits that will do for your website.